June is all about family!

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Plan your visit and learn how all families are made of different members and how some families may have members in their family that you do not have. Families show love and spend time together in unique ways. Above all though, love makes a family.   

Join us every day for fun themed activities during the week all month long. Stop by the Town Hall Main Stage at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to check out all the fun! 

June 4-10: Hear the story Families Belong by Dan Saks on our Town Hall Main Stage to share an appreciation for the love and comfort shared within a family. Visit I Can Create and illustrate your family by making a portrait on a puzzle piece. Fit the puzzle pieces together to show how all families belong at Discovery Place! 

June 11-17: Explore how different families show and share love. Listen to the story Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer and interact with our community art project for the week by sharing how your family shows love. Love is a family day at Discovery Place. Love is sharing ice cream on a hot day. However your family shows love, we want to know!  

June 18-24: You are invited to the Town Hall Main Stage to read the story A Family is a Family is a Family by Sara Oleary and Qin Leng. Learn how all families look different and find out what a foster family is. Explore in the I Can Create area while completing a scavenger hunt of family portraits. Learn about art, culture, and what families have done together for centuries.  

June 25-30: Enjoy One Family by George Shannon and investigating how all families are different. Discover the different things families do together. Make bracelets in I Can Create after reading the story and wear your bracelet home.  

These experiences are included in Museum Admission.

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